Sunday, October 20, 2024

Vastarian: Synod of Reclamation

The New World.

The Synod of Reclamation is a splinter faction of the infamous Cult of Redemption. They believe that humanity can only be redeemed by a reborn Emperor. The Synod believes his rebirth is prevented by the myriad of monuments, shrines and relics spread across the Imperium. These blasphemous idols trap the Emperor's spirit in the past. Thus, the Synod of Reclamation takes an iconoclastic approach to worshiping the Emperor. They often run afoul of law enforcement while finding opportunities to deface, destroy or in some instances even melt down monuments, relics and any other symbols of the Emperor.

Our life-long friend Brad is working on creating a Vastarian Cult for the upcoming event this November! Below are some photos of the Saint for his cult, Clement of Ravachol, that Adam helped him convert.

Saint Clement of Ravachol was created primarily from an Alchemite Warforger, from the Age of Sigmar Cities of Sigmar range. The head came from the Adeptus Mechanicus Tech-priest Manipulus.

The spiritual leader and saint of the Synod of Reclamation is Clement of Ravachol. Originally an assembly worker in the bowels of Rachovol's foundries, his latent psychic abilities manifested during the psychic awakening: the “Emergence of Saints.” He sought out the Synod proclaiming to have a vision of Vastarian completely shut from the Emperor's light. Learning of the Diocese of the Adamant Spires’ plans for the construction of an astropathic beacon from the shell of a long abandoned lighthouse, he knew they needed to take drastic action, as such a blasphemy would surely trap a large portion of the Emperor's soul.

The model’s staff was made with the original Alchemite Warforger’s staff, with the top brazier from a staff from the Cawdor Redemptionist boxed set.

Modeling putty was used to fill in all of the arcane sigils on the model.

An Imperial aquila being melted down, releasing an infinitesimally small part of the Emperor into the aether, getting Him one step closer to being reborn.

Saint Clement of Ravachol and two other members of the Synod of Reclamation.

- Eric Wier

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