Sunday, August 11, 2024

Conversion Corner: Brothers of Promethium pilot

Hide and Seek.

Terry (@stone.jaw) from the Hive Scum podcast created a 40k setting, called Brothers of Promethium, that is centered on a desert planet that is shielded from Imperial sensor arrays and mysteriously is able to pull Warp vessels out of the Immaterium, causing them to crash-land and get trapped on the planet. Although primarily desert, the planet has innumerable verdant oases that attract those stranded there, but are also home to various dangerous flora and fauna. The setting was deliberately left undeveloped, to encourage others to create models and concepts to fit within its confines. Later this month Hive Scum is hosting a small event at their studio, playing games within the settings. Greg is able to go, so we decided to create a few models to fit within the settings! The first of the models is an enigmatic wandering mercenary, known only by the epithet Dark Spirit. The second is their trusty servitor.

The Galen Ven Denst model was used as a basis for the conversion, with a head and weapon swap.

I replaced the pair of dueling flintlocks with a small automatic pistol and a larger Contender style pistol.

Special effort was taken to resculpt the trigger finger such that it was not on the trigger of the heavy caliber pistol since it is not being actively fired.

The head I used in the conversion was a cast of a heavily modified Sicarian Ruststalker head I made years ago for our Spireguard of the Thorn Moons. I also sculpted two individual rifle bullets on the strap of their holster for their heavily caliber Contender style pistol.

I also quickly converted a servitor companion for the pilot. The body of the model was taken from the goblin servitor included with the Tech-Priest Grombrindal model. The head was taken from a cherub from the Triumph of Saint Katherine model.

I used Tamiya Quick Type putty to sculpt the collar around the servitor’s neck.

Using Milliput I sculpted a series of rocks on the bases.

- Adam Wier

1 comment:

  1. Great conversions - looking forward to seeing them painted! The event sounds interesting.
