
Friday, August 16, 2024

Brothers of Promethium: Dark Spirit painted

Never Reaching The Surface.

Earlier this week we posted two models converted for the Hive Scum podcast setting, Brothers of Promethium. This 40k setting is centered on a desert planet that is shielded from Imperial sensor arrays and mysteriously is able to pull Warp vessels out of the Immaterium, causing them to crash-land and get trapped on the planet. Although primarily desert, the planet has innumerable verdant oases that attract those stranded there, but are also home to various dangerous flora and fauna. The setting was deliberately left undeveloped, to encourage others to create models and concepts to fit within its confines. This weekend Hive Scum is hosting a small event at their studio, playing games within the setting. With that in mind, we had a few days to get the models painted, following a scheme that paralleled that of Hypatia Etranzi.

Several different black leathers were painted on the models from those with more of a grey tone (AK Rubber Black [AK11027], Model Color Dark Bluegrey [867], Model Color Dark Sea Grey [70.991], AK Pale Grey [AK11013]), and others with more of a blue one (using Citadel Dark Reaper, Thunderhawk Blue, and Russ Grey).

Special effort was taken to keep the color palette for the model very dark and minimal. Most of the areas were painted by glazing and stippling thin layers of paint to make natural looking transitions.

The servator’s skin was painted using a series of paints included in the Vallejo Malefic Flesh Set (Cold Flesh [74.014], Pale Flesh [74.015], Frozen Flesh [74.010], and White Flesh [74.016]).

The servitor maintained the same dark paint scheme, focusing on black and grey.

Dark Spirit has commandeered an Arvus Lighter.

- Eric Wier

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