I have no regret. The clues are numerous, and it is reasonable that the truth should exist in proportion to their number. -Kōbō Abe |
When building my
Undead warband for
Mordheim 2019, I got my hands on two ancient Citadel miniatures sculpted by the legendary Jes Goodwin. Both were Chaos Sorcerers from the mid 80s. While one,
Sli’ith Ironlung, was converted slightly and turned into a dreg from the undead warband, the other, Hess Poison Breath, was left unused. A month or two ago, I started to paint some of
fantasy miniatures we got from
Ana Polanscak’s
Kickstarter, and realized the model would fit nicely alongside of them as some manner of necromancer. With this in mind, put the model on a base and decided to paint him/her!