
Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Dragged into Turbolasers Episode 26: New Primaris Space Marines!

Primaris Space Marines have their own Centurions!

In this episode, we talk about some of the new Primaris Space Marine releases. We talk at length about the Reiver and Aggressor models and how they fit in with the rest of the range. We also discuss the new Chaplain and Apothecary character models. Finally, we briefly mention the huge Redemptor dreadnought.

- Eric Wier


  1. I am very excited for the Redemptor and all the possibilities it presents. With that said though now I cant stop looking at this Apothecary trying to figure out who thought it was a good idea to place him standing on top of a fallen brother. Also not to nitpick but those progenoid glands certainly aren't the dude's he is standing on. In order to remove the glands the chest plate must be either removed or cut open and the ones in the neck must be extracted as well which would require removing the helmet or at least cutting through the neck ribbing. Sigh, the Chaplain is fine, a little different than my mental image mainly being the trench coat. I really do not like the legs of the Reivers so can't get past them, the Agressor's the main points you all picked out which I dislike.

    1. Yeah, I am excited about doing something with the Redemptor at some point. The apothecary certainly has some issues, which you pointed out. Not sure if you could really make much use of the model, or why you would really want to when you could just use regular Primaris marine models.

    2. My thoughts exactly :/ I'm not a fan of that super detail obscuring robe

  2. Great episode as usual. I agree with your thoughts in the main. I can't work out if I just don't like the Reiver legs or if I truly truly hate them. They should have been better designed with a smooth taper which might look a bit anime, but so what?

    As for the Gravis armour on the Agressors, overall I really like them. I don't like the hanging reliquaries and I think the reason they were added was to cover an area where the armour design just doesn't look good and they didn't know how to fix it.

    1. Yeah I think you are right on both points. The Reiver legs are awkward, and the Agressor reliquaries are just to cover something they were not sure how to fix.

  3. I find Travis armor is very bloated and Nurgle-esque

    1. That is a good point, the armor does have a Nurgle feel to it, so bulky and cumbersome.
