
Thursday, August 11, 2016

Dragged into Turbolasers Episode 9: The Pilgrym

The Pilgrym group assembles!

Eschewing the normal structure of our podcasts, this entire episode is focussed on recounting the events of the Pilgrym event held in Nottingham.  We describe the scope of the event, both in terms of the storyline, rules used, the people involved, as well as talk about the events leading up to the game, and Warhammer World in general.

- Eric Wier


  1. Haha! That bloody photo is going to haunt me forever.

    1. It will stalk you always. Watch you back. :D

    2. It's so funny! It's the *least* flattering photo of everyone in it (apart from maybe Johan, who just looks like Johan).

    3. Hopefully the WD team got a better pictures, he he. Ultimately, though, I am glad we have a least one picture of all of us together before the game!

    4. Is there going to be coverage of Pilgrym in White Dwarf? =D

    5. While things are not completely set in stone, which issues, what format, etc., it is looking like it will be featured in a series of WD issues! We are pretty excited about it :D

    6. Come on Fulgrim, these are the faces of legends right there!

  2. Cool, I enjoyed the "behind the scenes commentary :)

    1. Thanks for listening! I am glad it was at least somewhat insightful!

  3. I enjoyed listening to that, cheers. It was good to get a bit more insight into something I had been following for months. It's inspiring to see work that is not just painting (as awesome as that is) but which led to a real-life game (which surely is the point distinguishing us from just being figure painters!).

    Great stuff.

    1. I am glad you enjoyed it, and it provided some additional context to the game! The whole project was immeasurably strengthened by actually playing a game at the end of it. Without the game, I could see the project being a little anti-climactic. Thanks again for following us along our Pilgrym journey!
